

SAFE – Stroke alliance for Europe is the voice of stroke patients in Europe. It represents a number of stroke support organizations from more than 30 European countries. The alliance’s vision is to work towards a significant reduction in the number of strokes in Europe and to ensure that everyone affected by a stroke gets the help and support they need. SAFE engages in activities such as campaigning, education and research support that contribute to the advancement of stroke prevention and the improvement of the quality of life of survivors, their families and carers. We have been members of SAFE since 2018.

Brochures published in cooperation with SAFE:

For download here (in Czech only):


How to reduce the risk of stroke (in Czech only)

How to reduce the risk of stroke (in Czech only)

When you have a stroke (in Czech only)

When you have a stroke (in Czech only)

Transient ischemic attack (in Czech only)

Transient ischemic attack (in Czech only)

Next steps after a stroke (in Czech only)

Next steps after a stroke (in Czech only)

How to support loved ones after a stroke (in Czech only)

How to support loved ones after a stroke (in Czech only)

Stroke research

Through articles, we bring you insights from new and interesting research into stroke in Europe:


If you need advice, we are here for you!