


A big thank you to our sponsors for their contributions and support!

Sanatoria Klimkovice

Sanatoria Klimkovice
Sanatoria Klimkovice in 2023 contributed with a donation toward the publication of brochures on brain injury

Ipsen Pharma

Ipsen Pharma
Ipsen Pharma has been supporting Cerebrum for many years


Citibank contributed a donation to community activities


Banka ČSOB contributed a donation to community activities

DT Výhybkárna a strojírna

DT Výhybkárna a strojírna
DT Výhybkárna a strojírna contributed to the realization of a rehabilitation off-site in 2023

Randls Training

Randls Training
Randls Training bought furniture for outdoor teaching of communication and cognitive functions

PROFI-UNION, spol. s r.o.

PROFI-UNION, spol. s r.o.
PROFI-UNION contributed with a donation for the implementation of therapies and community activities in 2024

Kyowa Kirin

Kyowa Kirin
Kyowa Kirin donated a complete set of office furniture to us in 2023

These private donors also significantly contributed to Cerebrum’s activites:

 Martin Král, Martin Mikyska, Marie Jandušíková, Marek Pohnan, Eva Sušická, Jiří Kukla, Jana Poláčková, Františka Osičková,  Zdeněk Červinka, Miriam Kotrusová, Eva Procházková

Thank you!


If you need advice, we are here for you!