
Capital City of Prague

Educational, informational and advisory service for caregivers of people with brain damage

Project DOT/82/03/003050/2024
Project period: 01/2024 – 12/2024

The main goal of the project is the comprehensive support of caregivers of people with acquired brain damage and the improvement of their information, including the offer of options for follow-up therapy in the form of education and professional advice. The sub-goals of the project are the provision of professional and psychosocial counseling, educational and counseling activities, orientation on the labor market and the choice of a suitable job, increasing personal motivation for further personal development and reducing social isolation and dependence, renewing knowledge and skills, acquiring new knowledge for caregivers, strengthening psychological and the physical health of caregivers.


Community rehabilitation program for people with brain damage

Project DOT/81/01/002123/2024
Project period: 01/2024 – 12/2024

The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of life of people with acquired brain damage through regular educational and rehabilitation activities, supporting the improvement of their physical and psychological condition and breaking down social isolation. It aims to support and develop the cognitive, executive, physical and communication skills of people with brain damage and their families, helping to solve their health, mental and social needs. Long-term intensive rehabilitation is an important part of achieving and maintaining progress. Conventional health services cannot sufficiently fulfill these requirements, and in addition to the acquired limitations, difficulties of a secondary nature caused by previous inactivity are associated. The project therefore responds to this situation, which has additionally worsened due to repeated isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and provides comprehensive services leading to the restoration and development of damaged functions, including the education necessary to prevent secondary complications.


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