
Office of the Government of the Czech Republic

Project ZP240058
Project period: 01/2024 – 12/2024

The main goal of the project is to comprehensively support the community of people with acquired brain damage, their caregivers and families, and to ensure the availability of quality information regarding this issue. Our current goal is therefore to improve the quality of life of people with acquired brain damage through the availability of adequate practical information and knowledge, including ensuring their education and motivation to engage back in an active life in order to prevent their isolation and stagnation, or further deterioration of their health status.

Another goal is to ensure quality counseling services within the Czech Republic, incl. administration and updating of counseling databases, search for new opportunities for the involvement of people from the civil service, map out new possibilities and support services, establish cooperation with other supporting organizations, as well as with medical and outpatient rehabilitation devices.

The sub-goals are to provide educational and counseling activities to persons with acquired brain damage, increase personal motivation and professional competences for further personal development of persons with acquired brain damage, reduce social isolation and dependence on caregivers, restore skills and allow people from the civil service to acquire new knowledge (including caregivers), and to create mutual contacts and togetherness of target group people through self-help and peer consultations. Furthermore, we aim to strengthen the role of Cerebrum in the implementation of public policies and focus on active cooperation with organizations dedicated to supporting people with acquired brain damage. Related to this is involvement in activities at the municipal, national and international level, in order to use new trends in the field of brain damage for subsequent updating of the upcoming brochures with current information related to stroke.


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