
Ministry of Health – Protect your head in the crowd

Protect your head in the crowd

Project 2023/CAU/PVP/054/MZDR 29373/2022/CAU
Project period: 01/2023 – 12/2023

The goal of the project was the implementation of a nationwide awareness campaign focused on the risks of brain damage/disease. The campaign was aimed at the economically active middle generation approaching the risk age for brain damage/disease. As part of the campaign, a questionnaire survey was conducted mapping the knowledge of the public in the area of ​​acquired brain damage. The target group was also made aware of the specific effects of brain damage on individual and family life. We have created educational materials supporting active awareness of the prevention and prevention of brain injuries. We organized the production and broadcasting of a TV program and an audiovisual spot, which were broadcast on TV Praha and TV Brno. The project was also presented in an active form at promotional events. The sub-goals of the project were the statistical evaluation of questionnaires and the formulation of conclusions in the form of analysis, as well as raising awareness and improving information about the activities of Cerebrum as the main actor of the awareness campaign and at the same time a unique implementer of support for people with acquired brain damage. People with acquired brain damage were involved in the project, who conveyed their own experiences with brain injury.


Fotografie z akcí:


TV Commercial

TV Commercial
Facts about head injuries

TV Program

TV Program
Moribundus TV Program – About the program "Protect your head in the crowd" and Cerebrum's activities

Educational flyer about head injuries

Educational flyer about head injuries

Analysis of public awareness of acquired brain damage

Analysis of public awareness of acquired brain damage

Report on the analysis of the questionnaire survey

Report on the analysis of the questionnaire survey

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