
Office of the Government of the Czech Republic – Each head has its rights

Project ZP230047

Project period: 01/2023 – 12/2023


The main goal of the project is to comprehensively support the community of brain injury survivors and their families and ensure the availability of quality information regarding this issue. We support brain injury survivors in returning to an active life through educational and counseling activities, increasing personal motivation and professional competences for the further personal development of brain injury survivors, reducing their social isolation and dependence on caregivers. Another goal is to ensure quality counseling services within the Czech Republic: advisory service, administration and updating of advisory databases, search for new opportunities for the involvement of people from the civil service, mapping and search for new possibilities and support services, establishing cooperation with other helping organizations, with medical and outpatient rehabilitation facilities. A partial goal is to strengthen the role of Cerebrum in the implementation of public policies and to focus on active cooperation with organizations dedicated to supporting brain injury survivors. Related to this is involvement in activities at the municipal, national and international level, in order to use new trends in the field of brain injury for subsequent updating of the upcoming brochures with current information related to stroke.


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