We have published Group Speach Therapy Handbook
As part of a bilateral project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants, we have published a new handbook designed to support therapists in leading group speech therapy sessions.
The authors of the handbook are clinical speech therapists Mgr. Ing. Jana Horynová, Ph.D. and Mgr. Bc. Michal Kraft.
Additionally, two bonus chapters from Iceland were prepared by our Icelandic colleagues (clinical speech therapists) Thorunn Hanna Halldorsdottir, M.Sc.; Helga Thors, Ph.D., CCC-SLP; and Anna Berglind Svansdóttir, M.S.
The Group Speech Therapy Handbook provides tips and insights for improving communication and interaction among adult clients with acquired brain injuries and related speech and language difficulties.
This handbook was developed as part of the EEA and Norway Grants project “Sharing the experience of patient organisations specialising in patients with brain injury.” The project involved two patient organizations: Cerebrum – Association for People with Acquired Brain Damage in the Czech Republic and Heilaheill in Iceland. The long-standing focus of both organizations on group rehabilitation for individuals with neurogenic communication disorders served as the inspiration for this project, which ran from 1 September 2024 to 31 March 2025.
The introduction part of the handbook briefly presents the role of group therapy in speech and language rehabilitation and outlines key principles for organizing this form of therapy.
The core of the handbook consists of 17 conversation lessons covering important and engaging topics related to personal, leisure, and professional life, as well as interesting facts about the Czech Republic and Iceland.
The authors hope that this handbook will provide you with new ideas for group speech therapy and help develop the conversational and communication skills of your clients.
Download the handbook below.