
Communication workshops

What are communication workshops?


Communication is one of the most important skills of every human being. In these workshops, we practice communication both in everyday life and in situations such as at the office, at a job interview, in a bank or in a restaurant.

Speech therapy students Míša and Adélka will advise you on everyday communication and practice the situations with you.

Workshops take place in-person twice a month, always on Wednesdays.

You can find the sessions in the calendar of events here.


Session price as of January 1st 2024:

60 minutes – CZK 200 for members

60 minutes – CZK 250 for non-members


Cancellation policy

The ordered appointment is binding for both the therapist and the client. If the client decides to cancel the booked appointment for some reason, he can do so by reaching out to the email address info@cerebrum2007.cz or by texting or calling us at 773 540 589, at least 24 hours before the agreed consultation/therapy time. If the client cancels the reserved appointment less than 24 hours before the agreed therapy, they are obliged to pay the therapy in full. An exception may be approved by the director of Cerebrum for justifiable reasons submitted by the client in writing. Cerebrum can refuse the client further appointments in cases of repeated non-payment of the services provided within the set deadline, or for other organizational and operational reasons. The client agrees to the above-stated conditions upon the acceptance of the invoice.


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