
Speech therapy – individual

Speech therapy is the science of speech and communication. It deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of speech, language, voice and swallowing disorders. Speech therapy helps people with various difficulties such as stuttering, dyslexia, aphasia, dysphonia or dysphagia.

Speech therapy also helps people with a foreign accent, with impaired articulation or with insufficient vocabulary. It is useful for people of all professions and situations who want to improve their ability to express themselves and understand others.

After acquired brain damage, the ability to communicate can be impaired. The goal of speech therapy counseling is to provide guidance to support the recovery of this ability as much as possible. Speech therapy is therefore a way to improve your speech and communication.

We provide speech counseling online – available across the Czech Republic



Appointment price as of January 1st 2024:

60 minutes – CZK 380 for members

60 minutes – CZK 480 for non-members


This activity is realized thanks to the kind support of the Prague City Hall.



Cancellation policy

The ordered appointment is binding for both the therapist and the client. If the client decides to cancel the booked appointment for some reason, he can do so by reaching out to the email address info@cerebrum2007.cz or by texting or calling us at 773 540 589, at least 24 hours before the agreed consultation/therapy time. If the client cancels the reserved appointment less than 24 hours before the agreed therapy, they are obliged to pay the therapy in full. An exception may be approved by the director of Cerebrum for justifiable reasons submitted by the client in writing. Cerebrum can refuse the client further appointments in cases of repeated non-payment of the services provided within the set deadline, or for other organizational and operational reasons. The client agrees to the above-stated conditions upon the acceptance of the invoice.


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